1. Identifying as the opposite gender is NOT normal. In most cases, it is a symptom of severe psychological pain or dysfunction, or an attempt to resolve some other issue.
Typically, the individual is not consciously aware of any psychological reasons for their dysphoria and cannot articulate it beyond "it's just a feeling I have".
Uncovering the root causes of gender dysphoria is a difficult process and can be emotionally painful. It takes time and requires the skills of a highly-trained and insightful therapist.
2. Our children are subjected to strong cultural influences that promote transitioning.
Our children are immersed in a culture that celebrates and promotes transitioning. Television and the media all celebrate transgender role models. The Internet, especially sites like YouTube, Tumblr and Reddit enthusiastically promote transitioning as desirable, popular and the solution to all of your problems.
Many schools are now teaching children as young as four about the "gender spectrum" using the gender unicorn. Now, children who never even would have even thought about their gender before, are wondering if they, too, are transgender.
3. The Gender Affirmative Model is a form of conversion therapy.
After being bathed in a culture that promotes and celebrates transgenders, and being encouraged to choose their own gender identity, many children, especially those who are already emotionally-vulnerable, may begin to wonder if they, too are transgender.
Children look to their parents, teachers, doctors and other authority figures in their lives to help them make sense of the world. If all the authority figures in the child's world are affirming the child that they really are transgender, then it is likely that the child will believe them and this belief will persist. (Dr. Kenneth Zucker's USPATH Presentation, Feb. 2017)
4. The current Standard of Care, the Gender Affirmative Model, is unproven.
The Gender Affirmative Model states there is nothing inherently abnormal about an individual identifying as the opposite gender. Therefore, their self-assessment must be accepted as truth and they should be affirmed in this belief without question.
This Model has become the accepted Standard of Care for individuals with gender dysphoria.
Despite existing in various forms for more than 20 years, there are no long-term studies that provide conclusive proof that the Model is effective in alleviating gender dysphoria.
Curiously, the self-described "thought-leaders" of this Model are not bothered by its lack of evidence and display a disturbing lack of concern for the fact that, if misdiagnosed, they are inflicting grievous physical and psychological trauma on their patients. This is negligence.
5. Our gender dysphoric children, youth and adults are being experimented on.
Applying an unproven model is called an experiment.
To date, there are no long term outcome studies that provide conclusive evidence that individuals with gender dysphoria who transition are happier and healthier than those who don't.
Nor are there any long-term studies on the health effects of hormone blockers or cross-sex hormones on our children.
Our gender dysphoric children, youth, and adults are the unwitting test subjects of a social experiment of global proportions.
This is unethical.
6. The Gender Affirmative Model prolongs suffering and causes further trauma.
Accepting and affirming an individual's self-assessment as the opposite sex has not been proven to relieve their dysphoria. It only prolongs their suffering, as the true underlying issues go unaddressed.
It also exposes them to further trauma, as they are subjected to increasingly drastic medical interventions in futile attempts to alleviate their dysphoria by aligning their physical bodies more closely with their imagined sex.
7. Professionals who accept an individual's self-diagnosis and propose medical interventions are negligent.
Doctors, psychologists and other professionals who readily affirm an individual's self-diagnosis as transgender, and promote physical interventions as a first line of treatment, are negligent of their professional duty to protect, heal and "do no harm".
In many cases, they are also profiting financially and professionally.
8. Medical intervention for gender dysphoria should be a last resort.
Careful, in-depth psychological assessment is required to determine the source of an individual's dysphoria.
This can be a long and difficult process, as the roots can be buried deep in the subconscious. It requires the skills of a highly-trained, insightful therapist. Only after this is done can appropriate treatment be determined.
All other methods of treating gender dysphoria should be explored before resorting to medical intervention. This should be considered to be a drastic last resort.